Kurs 7,5 högskolepoäng • SPVM11
This course is an elective component of the Master of Arts programme in Language and Linguistics.
The course covers language acquistion in both first and second language, with emphasis on the latter. It is aimed at providing students with knowledge and understanding of current FLA and SLA theories and research, as well as the historical origins and developments of these disciplines. It also serves to provide basic competence and skills for designing and outlining an empirical study. Moreover, a selection of seminal articles are studied and discussed.
The course focuses on fundamental factors and concepts such as the individual, cognitive and psychological aspects, age, domains of language, language processing and representation, developmental aspects, input, output and interaction, instructed and naturalistic learning, implicit and explicit learning, and cross-linguistic influence.
The relation between theoretical frameworks, methodologies and empirical data in FLA and SLA research is highlighted.
Programtillhörighet: Kan ingå i Masterprogram i språk och språkvetenskap
höstterminen 2024
2024-11-01 – 2025-01-19
Introduktionsmöte: Torsdagen den 7 november kl. 15.15 – 17.00 i SOL:L123
Anna Flyman Mattsson,
Jonas Granfeldt,
Henrik Gyllstad
Information om ingående delar
- Grundläggande aspekter i språkinlärningsforskning , 3,5 hp
- Individuell fördjupningsuppgift , 4 hp
Höstterminen 2024
Torsdagen den 7 novemberkl. 15.15 – 17.00
i SOL:L123