
mattias.nowakeu.luse | 2014-06-17
Mattias Nowak

Universitetsadjunkt, studierektor

  • Europastudier
  • Öst- och centraleuropakunskap
  • Språk- och litteraturcentrum


  • Språk- och litteraturcentrum


E-post mattias.nowakeu.luse

Telefon 046–222 88 23

Rum SOL:A322

Helgonabacken 12, Lund

Box 201, 221 00 Lund

Internpost hämtställe 20

My research interests include the political philosophies of conservatism and nationalism in Europe, particularly in Poland, Spain and the UK. Empirically I am analysing the contemporary development of conservatism in Polish politics, mainly the content of the traditionalist discourse, critical of liberal and secular aspects of European integration. Additionaly, I work with comparative studies regarding the history of conservatism in Europe and in the US.
Furthermore, I am interested in concepts such as "collective memory" and "national identity", as well as in the history of European political thought.
To a lesser degree I have also worked with the history of Yiddish culture in Eastern Europe and with questions regarding inter-religious dialogue in Poland and in Belarus.

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Min profil i Lunds universitets forskningsportal
  • Studierektor för Europastudier samt Öst- och centraleuropakunskap
  • Ledamot, Sektionsstyrelse 5, Språk- och litteraturcentrum

Koordinator för Europastudier vid Språk- och litteraturcentrum

Mattias Nowak

Universitetsadjunkt, studierektor

  • Europastudier
  • Öst- och centraleuropakunskap
  • Språk- och litteraturcentrum


  • Språk- och litteraturcentrum


E-post mattias.nowakeu.luse

Telefon 046–222 88 23

Rum SOL:A322

Helgonabacken 12, Lund

Box 201, 221 00 Lund

Internpost hämtställe 20

Sidansvarig: webmastersol.luse | 2020-06-10