Tidigare forskarstuderande/postdok-projekt som beviljats medel från BRLP


"Nominal Classification in Baniwa" 
“Memories of Aceh's Chinese and Its Impact on identity and Belonging” 
"Effekterna av könsinkluderande/könsneutralt språk i franska"


"Pronoun disambiguation in L1 and L2…"
"Metaphor on the cross-roads: a cognitive semiotics framework to the analysis of Greek street art.”
"Anaphora resolution”
”Nominal Classification in the Guaporé-Mamoré area”
”Medieval Jewish-Islamic Medicine"



"Language Teaching and Learning by young Children in the Classrooms at Public Schools in Vietnam"
"Kongruensfenomen i de fastlandsskandinaviska språken"
"Effects of Monolingual Language Ploicy Implementation on Social Cohesion: A Comparative Study of Russian-speakers in Ukraine and Estoni"
"Street Art Communication and Cognitive Semiotics - The Case of Athens"
"A Grammatical Description of Kalamang, an endangered language Papuan language"
"The Concept of Time, Tense and Motion in Aristotle, the Stoics and Dionysius Thrax: Towards an understanding of Verbal Aspect in the Greek of the New Testament"
"Gesture use in production and the perception of connected discourse"



"The core building blocks of sound symbolism and their influence on near-universal lexemes".
"Bruket av aspekt och tempus i hellenistisk grekiska"
"Island Constraints in Mainland Scandinavian - A structural analysis"
"Kongruensfenomen i de fastlandsskandinaviska språken"
"A Grammatical Description of Kalamang, an endangered language Papuan language"



"Cityscape and Memory in recent Chinese Fiction"
"The London-Lund Corpus 2 of spoken British English"
"Language Variation and Mulitlingualism Among Speakers of the Northern Aslian Languages of Peninsular Malaysia"
"How China puts an end to corruption: E-monitoring and empowerment"
"Testing the Ambiguity Hypothesis of Sapere in Italian"



"Different aspects of "New Woman" trope and its role in early Chinese fiction"
"Unfinished utterances: a strange animal among the units of talk-in-interaction"
"What is the extent and characteristic of code-switching between vernacular North African Arabic and French?"


Resebidrag till konferensresor

"Combining corpus and experimental methods to gain new insights into APPRAISAL in spoken discourse"
"Language learners' performance of English in relation to different types of instruction and learning contexts: The complexity and the challenge for foreign language teachers"
"Is there a role of the first language in SV agreement for Vietnamese and Swedish learners of English"
"The competitive coupling of tones and constriction gestures in lexical accents"
"The core building blocks of sound symbolism and their influence on near-universal lexemes"
”XII International Conference on Semiotics - Signs of Europé” (conference participation)
“An agency hierarchy: A cognitive semiotic model for understanding and experimenting with agentive phenomena” 
“Experiential and linguistic investment in choice making” 

Sidansvarig:  | 2022-04-08