Student papers
This is a list of all theses in the MA in Literature – Culture – Media in reverse chronological order. You can also search for a specific thesis at LUP Student Papers.
Student papers (page 4 of 4)
- Master's thesis: Virginia Woolf and the F-Word: On the Difficulties of Defining Woolf's (Anti-)Feminism.
Author: Ute Kathmann
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: Pale King or Noonday Demon? Acedia, The Pale King, and David Foster Wallace's Moral Vision.
Author: Jonathan Michael
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: Transatlantic Literary Triangle: The ‘Africanness’ of Writers of African Origin and Descent
Author: Nwoalezea Patrick Nwoalezea
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: “Med istidens utdødde stemme” A Contextual Introduction to Tor Ulven’s Poetry
Author: Magnús Sigurðsson
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: The Strength of Separateness: A study of five women characters in five novels from two centuries
Author: Sofia Wahlstedt
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: Lo real maravilloso y lo barroco americano: Estudio crítico sobre dos conceptos de Alejo Carpentier
Author: Viktor Wahlström
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: Paul Ricoeur och The Narrative Turn
Author: Maria Eriksson
Year: 2011 - Master's thesis: El personaje del narcotraficante según las narco-telenovelas y los narcocorridos
Author: Katherine Fracchia
Year: 2011 - Master's thesis: Reading with Reference - A Study of the Limits of Formalist Criticism
Author: Isak Hyltén-Cavallius
Year: 2011 - Master's thesis: American Beat Yogi: An Exploration of the Hindu and Indian Cultural Themes in Allen Ginsberg
Author: Linda Klausner
Year: 2011 - Master's thesis: Laying Bare the Moral Dilemma of Imperial Politics:
Author: Kerstin Nielsen
Year: 2011 - Master's thesis: The Perfect Gentleman: Exploring a Development of Masculine Ideals in Jane Austen's Heroes
Author: Jenny Rothman
Year: 2011 - Master's thesis: Las batallas del siglo XXI. El testimonio político latinoamericano como género literario. Una nueva ola?
Author: Adriana Rudling
Year: 2011 - Master's thesis: ‘An Interesting and Well Written Tale’: Narration, Irony and Gender in Jane Austen’s Juvenilia
Author: Mette Sjölin
Year: 2011 - Master's thesis: An Evolutionary Analysis of Moby Dick: The Pequod's Search for Brotherhood, Status, and Mystery
Author: Peter Steadman
Year: 2011 - Master's thesis: La poesía como trasfondo del Boom latinoamericano
Author: Sandra Carreño
Year: 2010 - Master's thesis: El discurso del Nobel de literatura como género literario
Author: Pedro De Felipe Jimenez
Year: 2010 - Master's thesis: Parallel Worlds in British Fantasy Film
Author: Jelena Irina Deutscher
Year: 2010 - Master's thesis: Técnicas narrativas en tres novelas de José Donoso
Author: Sara Eckhardt
Year: 2010