
After completing your degree, you will be able to do the following and more:
  • Communicate in written and spoken English with great accuracy
  • Seek out and understand information about the English language and English literature from sources of different types such as dictionaries, grammar books, non-fiction texts, and digital resources
  • Analyze the English language and English literature from a research-based perspective
  • Discuss your analyses with respect to previous research and theory in order to draw conclusions
  • Collaborate with colleagues and review their texts and presentations as well as assimilate feedback from colleagues about your own work
  • Work independently and solve problems to meet deadlines with self-discipline
Some students enter directly into the workforce with positions such as information officers, administrators, public relations specialists or writers, and content developers in the gaming industry, among other possibilities. Knowledge of English is needed in most professions. As such, excellent knowledge of English will give you advantages on the job market. Many who earn the bachelor’s degree in English go on to further studies that lead to professional qualifications as a teacher, translator or librarian. Such programs are available at Lund University as well as other higher education institutions. There are also additional study opportunities (master’s programs) in linguistics and literature. They offer further scholarly depth into the areas of linguistics and literature, respectively, and they lead to qualification for doctoral study in these areas. Such programs are also available at Lund University as well as certain other higher education institutions. You can learn more about the research career path from your study counselor, instructors, director of studies, and the subject’s research coordinators. During the program of study, there will be sessions with alumni, that is to say previous students who have entered the workforce. Lund University also has a career counselor who organizes sessions for students who would like to work on their CVs and prepare for the job search. As a student at Lund University, you become part of a rich network of friends and professionals who are valuable contacts for your career.
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