Student office

Student office, Swedish as a Foreign Language

Gunilla Ek Werner

Programme Administrator

  • Swedish as a Foreign Language
  • Translation
  • Centre for Languages and Literature

Data Entry Officer

  • Section 6
  • Centre for Languages and Literature

Contact information

E-mail gunilla.ek_wernersol.luse

Phone +46 46 222 87 10

Room SOL:L224a

Visiting address
Helgonabacken 12, Lund

Postal address
Box 201, 221 00 Lund

Internal post code 20

I am the administrator for Swedish as a Foreign Language, commissioned education in Swedish and the TISUS-test. I handle all administration except for exams.

  • Handling of exams for Swedish as a foreign language and commissioned education: Andrea Posteby-Mach.
  • Exams for Danish, Icelandic, Swedish courses requiring Swedish 3 to start, translation courses and Språkkonsultprogrammet: Edda Ahrent.

Telephone hours during semesters:
Monday 15-15:30
Wednesday, Thursday: 8:45-9:30
Normally I answer the phone at other times too if I have the time and possibility. I am working from home Tuesdays and Fridays, but you can reach me via email.

Summer holiday 2024: 3 July until 8 August

  • Programme Administrator at Swedish as a Foreign Language and Translation
  • Secretary, Board of Section 1, Centre for Languages and Literature
Gunilla Ek Werner

Programme Administrator

  • Swedish as a Foreign Language
  • Translation
  • Centre for Languages and Literature

Data Entry Officer

  • Section 6
  • Centre for Languages and Literature

Contact information

E-mail gunilla.ek_wernersol.luse

Phone +46 46 222 87 10

Room SOL:L224a

Visiting address
Helgonabacken 12, Lund

Postal address
Box 201, 221 00 Lund

Internal post code 20

Visiting hours

Under terminstid: Måndag, onsdag, torsdag kl. 10.30-11.30. Öppen dörr övrig tid = Välkommen även då!

Phone hours

Under terminstid: Måndag, onsdag, torsdag kl. 9-10. Svarar även övrig tid i den mån det hinns med.

Page Manager: lena.larssonnordlund.luse | 2021-02-25