European Studies

A wider perspective on Europe

Questions about Europe are important, everybody agree upon that. But when we examine the issue in more detail, important questions arise:
  • Where does Europe begin and end?
  • Who can be called a European and on what grounds?
  • Does a European identity exist at all, and if so what are its features?
  • What consequences does European integration carry for the continent's culture, identity and values?
To answer such questions, our European Studies programmes adopt a humanities point of view which is complementary to the more common legal, administrative, economic and instutional aspec

European Studies from a humanities point of view

A humanities point of view on Europe places the current European political and social processes in a long historical perspective where culture plays an important role. In this way historical and cultural continuities and disruptions in the developments leading to the present European arrangement can be identified. In turn, this allows for a more critical and more nuanced interpretation of the contemporary debates on the future of Europe.

Communicating across borders

A humanities' approach to the study of Europe implies the possibility of a more intensive and comprehensive communication across linguistic and cultural borders, which widens the public debate on the future of Europe. Exchanging opinions, values and visions on the European place can also reduce the democratic deficit that many European institutions suffer from.


European Studies is a multidisciplinary study area, where film studies, cultural studies and history meet language studies and social studies to provide a complex picture of European processes and structures, examined through a variety of methods and techniques.

Programmes in European Studies

The Bachelor Program in European Studies is a three-year program (180 ECTS) on the undergraduate level, taught in Swedish. More information (In Swedish) The Master of Arts Programme in European Studies (aka MAPES) is a two-year (120 ECTS) international master program, taught in English, open to all students interested in the study of Europe with a humanist perspective. More information

Research on Europe

Centre for European Studies (CFE) at Lund University is a network organization for cooperation between institutions and researchers, mainly in the social sciences, humanities and law faculties. Our purpose is to promote research, education and long-term capacity building of Europe within the university, but also to develop contacts between the university and elsewhere, both nationally and internationally. The centre therefore has an important role in the development of Lund University's future European profile:

Future Careers

Our programs prepare graduates as humanists with practical skills attractive for employers for whom knowledge about European culture and identity, multilingual communication and effective project management are equally important. Potential career opportunities are employment in European institutions at local, national or EU level, as consultants or analysts for companies and organization, or the mass media. .

European Studies

Head Of Section
Johanna Lindbladh

Director Of Studies
Mattias Nowak

Manager Of Research And Research Education
Anamaria Dutceac Segesten

Absalon A141b

Student Counselling
Humanisthuset H123

Page Manager: marina.anderssonslav.luse | 2023-11-15